A common DM I receive:
“Hey man, I was training for [insert race] and all of a sudden my leg started hurting. Everything was going well and I felt fine, but after my last long run running has been difficult. It stinks because I was really pumped for my first race.”
I feel pain every time I get one of these messages because it’s no one’s fault, not even your own. Running at all levels is such a "learn from your mistakes” sport that these things almost have to happen.
I emphasize “almost” because, well, they don’t. Not if you’re reading me at least!
A simple way to summarize the above paraphrased quote I receive weekly is the need for people to understand Aerobic vs Muscular/Mechanical strain.
How to balance, tame, and grow both at the same time. It’s like holding two dogs on one leash where one is a high drive sporting dog and the other is a young puppy that needs to be nurtured and watched over carefully.