I receive this question almost daily: “Hey BTR, I’m in my mid 30s/40s and I want to start running”.
First of all, awesome for you and thank you for the message. Always happy to help anyone that reaches out.
But I find that I can never succinctly answer this question because its unknowingly loaded.
It’s so loaded that when I went about answering it myself via article format, it turned into a 38 page PDF document.
So that’s what we have here today.
The “Comprehensive Guide to Start Running Later in Life”.
This is totally FREE to download and to do as you wish with. Send it to your friends, aunt, uncle father, boss, coworkers. I do not care. All I care about is that someone reads it and finds it helpful.
What Is This?
My goal is to take the cardio-curios mind and turn them into a weapon within the 38 pages of this PDF. The information in this document is meant to be high level, and if you want to dive deeper into any topic found, you can simply keyword search my archive or message me!
I start with getting you a baseline understanding of running, misconceptions, and heart rate models. Followed by getting you to actually running from zero, what shoes to wear, philosophies to follow, finding a training plan, nutrition, cross training and much more cram-packed into 8 chapter!
So here it is. Again, do what you want with it. Print it out and sneakily leave it in your coworkers cubicle. Drop it in a mailbox. Set it on fire. Do it all. It’s free!
If you’re a long time follower, you may have heard some things in here already and is mainly for the free/new subs who need a good primer as to what we do here and how we get down.
New content and deeper dives are always on the way.
Awesome resource!