How to Build a Base (and not get hurt)
Whether you’re coming back from a winter off-season, an injury, or the couch after a few years, you need to have two things on your mind.
Building a large aerobic foundation
Not getting injured
All else is currently pushed to the side.
The focus is now on your “base phase”, growing your aerobic capacity, muscular endurance, and running economy for the real training ahead. This process can take longer than most want it to, and feature less truly high intensity workouts. This doesn’t mean no higher intensity (above easy) running, but that we are simply increasing your ability to remain consistent.
A more fitting name for the “base phase” would be a “running economy” phase, as this is the end goal—to have your heart beat less times per minute while running faster than you were a few months ago. I will explain why.
The goal when building out your base is to become a better runner, not simply be able to run more.